Wednesday, January 26, 2011 it good or bad...or BOTH!

This year has already brought about many changes and we aren't even done with the first month. I guess when you have 7 people in your family change is inevitable.
First off......LEXI IS DIAPER FREE!!!!!!!!!! My youngest daughter is potty trained...finally:) We have had diapers or pull- ups in our house for almost 10 yrs. I love the idea of not having to haul pull-ups or diapers along with wipes and diaper cream......I am almost giddy!!! Don't get me wrong, I loved when my kids were little and I really did not mind changing diapers. But when you have changed diapers for 10yrs. gets a little old.
Secondly, our oldest, Kaleb turned 18 earlier this month, and is a senior this year. He joined the NAVY a week ago, and will leave for boot camp on August 3rd. It's very strange to think that in about 6 months he will no longer be living with us. I am very excited to see where God takes him, and the man he is going to become! I believe one of the hardest parts of parenting is letting go. They really aren't ours to begin with, they are God's. We spend the early years bonding with them and protecting them from everything. As they get older they still need us, but at a distance. Our desire to protect them does not ever change, and we have to start letting go. When they get even older often they don't want us around at ALL...and we feel as if we need to protect them even more. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when he leaves and our desire to protect will still be there, and he won't be!!! I have often said that being a parent is the most gratifying, and most painful job there ever was. BUT.....even though he will not be here with us, God will still be with him..... wherever he goes! As for us...we pray, daily for Kaleb, and for our hearts to be at peace:)

For some change is hard...thankfully God has wired me differently! I like change, is it always good? No. Is it always bad? NO. Is sometimes both? Almost always!!!


  1. Good or bad, change is ALWAYS exciting! It's amazing how different we view change when we see God as the One doing the changing. As a recovering control freak (still recovering, it's a process!) I can say that I definitely view change differently since I have begun walking with God. I do not see change as a control issue, but as a growth opportunity. Before, if things were changing without my authority I freaked out! Now, when things change, I listen for whatever it is God is trying to teach me! :) Thank you for the wonderful post, Sister!

  2. You are so right Nikki!!! I am so proud of you and the way you allow God to lead you:) Since posting this I have had tons of things running through my head that 'I should have said'. Guess that's why I shouldn't do it at 11pm:)

  3. Out of diapers that is great. We are gettign ready for another one to be in diapers any day now. I don't know when we will be out of diapers.
